Magic Domino : helps with domino cubes animations (free) Magic Cubes : voxelizer – transforms an object into a “lego” object made of cubes (free) Magic Center : centers object’s axis to object center (free) Magic Car : helps with cars animation by steering them with keyboard, like in games (free) Magic Book : helps to create a book from scanned images and animate its pages (free) Magic Blue Print : help to create blueprint background setup for modeling (free) Magic Bevel : beveling tool for modeling (free) Magic AnimCurve : helps to change animation curves (free) Magic 3D : helps to create 3D movies (free)
SplineNoiseDeformer : 根据噪声使样条曲线沿垂直方向变形(免费)Įasy Parent : control over parent dynamic to help with animation (free)